Day Three

Today is the day... Fuenté De cable car ride and a visit to Santillana Zoo! We’re on the bus and on the way!! Students will be focusing on two key topics today; time and animals. Now to hand thequestions out!
Just look at this scenery!
So, we were met by snow!! Not at all what we were expecting but it most certainly made for excellent photos! Off to the Zoo now and looking forward to it!

The Zoo

What an eventful day at the zoo. Miss Mac’n’Cheese was attacked... by las mariposas (a butterfly!) and as a result, to quote her exact words ‘pulled a muscle’ as she screamed and ran away! Needlesstosay, she is absolutely fine and the ‘pulled muscle’ turns out to be none existent! Students were confidently ordering their own drinks and ice creams and were once again commended by staff! Well done team!
This is the culprit in question!
Mr Crowder (d.i.S.C.O) wasn’t too keen on the smell - it was putting him right off his ice cream!
Tonight we went for a walk around Santander to familiarise ourselves with the area ahead of tomorrow. Catch you tomorrow!!
Team Cantabria!